Monday, December 3, 2007

Early Signs

I have an 11 year old stepson. I think he's going to be a politician when he grows up. It seems to be a genetic thing. There are several early signs that lead me to this conclusion:

1. He always wants to make the rules for whatever game he is playing with his friends.

2. He is exempt from the rules.

3. He's not very good at most activities (he's 11, duh), yet he loves to teach others how to do things he can't do himself.

4. He likes to be the center of attention, especially when it is inappropriate. For example, his younger sister falls and skins her knee. "I remember when I skinned my knee. It was last year. I was riding along the sidewalk..."

5. He thinks life should be fair and everyone should be equal.
"The people across the street have a BMW and you have a Honda. That's not fair."

6. He appeals to "the majority" when he doesn't get his way.
"Can I ride my bike to the store?"
"No, it's dark outside."
"All the other kid's parents let them ride after dark."

7. He never wants to spend his own money, but he is quite willing to spend someone else's. We give him an allowance, and he has saved about $400. As far as I know, he has never spent a penny of his own money - for anything!
"I need money to buy a birthday present for Heather."
"Use your own money."
"Oh - I'll just sing happy birthday for her."

8. He loves to have his picture taken or to be on TV. He is 11 and he has already been on TV half a dozen times.

9. He thinks he is right about every subject.

10. And finally, he talks waaay too much and says almost nothing that makes any sense.

We are attempting to address these behaviors, but so far the genes are winning the battle.

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